Learn more about the practice of spiritual direction and companioning

True North Spiritual Direction is the practice of Spiritual Director Greg Jehanian, offering online and in-person companioning through attentive listening for the sacred movements in life.

True North Spiritual Direction is the companioning practice of Spiritual Director Greg Jehanian, pictured here in a wooded landscape, smiling warmly toward the viewer.

A friend, parent, professional touring musician and amateur photographer, Greg approaches spiritual companioning as both a relational and creative venture, listening and reflecting with an artful posture and inclusive orientation.

Greg holds a Master of Arts in Spiritual Direction and received additional Certification in Spiritual Direction from Portland Seminary. He participates in ongoing peer supervision and is dedicated to his own personal practice of meeting regularly with a spiritual director.

Welcoming all clients without requiring adherence to any religious belief or creed — Greg values the diversity of humanity, which includes differences in gender, age, race, ethnicity, range of abilities, sexual orientation, financial means, education, and political perspective.

Greg is based in Philadelphia and meets regularly with a variety of directees in individual and group settings, both online and in person. If you would like to learn more by reaching out to Greg, he would be happy to connect with you.

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves…Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”

Rainer Maria Rilke

Meeting Together

Meeting with Greg holds an invitation to embrace the radical act of slowing down; to sit in stillness; to be wholly present to honor the sacred in ordinary life and deeply listen to the now; to pay close attention and be in conversation about your life. Greg will hold space for you and support you with attentive, reflective listening.

Whether you feel confused and spiritually stuck; whether you want to find spiritual community, find your truth, or unpack your spiritual story — working with a spiritual director to reflect on your story and spiritual desires can help you discern the next steps of your journey toward spiritual alignment and integration.

True North Spiritual Direction is a space to reflect on your life, listen and discern where there are life-giving invitations for deepening, for finding what gives you joy, and for expanding your capacity to love and be loved out of a growing awareness of your own unique connection to God.

Spiritual Direction FAQs

  • Spiritual direction is not as directive as the words imply. It is a process of companioning — holding space, slowing down, putting an ear to the ground of our being and listening for the sacred movements in our lives.

    A spiritual director doesn’t necessarily direct or lead but rather facilitates a space of self-guided listening to your true north; inner confidence; and the still, small voice illuminating your unique path.

  • Greg approaches spiritual direction with a sense of reverence and authentic presence, companioning and holding space to listen for and with you during part of your lifelong journey, as you seek to deepen your capacity to listen to yourself and to God.

    His practice is rooted in and resonates with a contemplative mystical tradition of the Christian faith that emphasizes companioning over directing, free of judgment and expectation, with the goal of equipping you with your own language and tools of discernment and spiritual practice in support of your unique spiritual journey.

  • Spiritual direction is a person-led practice of sitting with your unique experiences and movements of the heart that often transcend language and specific religious containers. Spiritual direction is not meant to put more of a box around you or have you subscribe to a certain doctrine or orthodoxy. You may resonate with Greg more if you also come from somewhere within the Christian tradition, though there is no requirement.

    No matter your religious background or what tradition you identify with, Greg aims to create an inclusive, judgment-free space to explore moving into a more expansive version of your faith.

  • Spiritual directors are not trained therapists and do not have the tools of those modalities.

    Simply put, spiritual direction emphasizes sacred listening and honoring the other. Spiritual directors adhere to the ethics of mandatory reporters, and receive ongoing support from peers and supervisors.

Getting Started

Starting with an initial 20-minute consult conversation (via phone call or zoom), connect with Greg to explore if True North Spiritual Direction is the right fit for your journey. Then, you’ll create an ongoing schedule for meeting with Greg that works for you.

Individual sessions typically meet for an hour, once a month on an ongoing basis. Group sessions form on a rolling basis and meet for 90 minutes, once a month for six months.

To inquire about session openings, or if you have further questions about spiritual direction, reach out to Greg, and he’ll be happy to connect with you.

Session Info

  • Individual sessions are a one-on-one offering. Directees meet with Greg for an hour, once a month on an ongoing basis—online (via virtual zoom session), in person, or over the phone. Greg facilitates a space of attentive, sacred listening as the directee explores spiritual life through silence, sharing, and reflection on their desires to discern, deepen and live more fully into their spiritual life.

  • Group spiritual direction is offered periodically, on a rolling basis. Groups comprising three to five people meet virtually (via Zoom) for 90 minutes, once a month for six months. Greg facilitates a space of attentive, sacred listening as groups explore spiritual life together through structured times of silence, sharing, and thoughtful reflection.

  • The current fee for individual sessions is $80/hour.

    The current fee for group sessions is $50/hr.

    True North Spiritual Direction uses a sliding scale model so that finances are not prohibitive of meeting together. Inquire with Greg if you are interested in exploring the sliding scale model.

About Companioning

Companioning is about going to the wilderness of the soul with another human being; it is not about thinking you are responsible for finding the way out.

Companioning is about being present to another person’s pain; it is not about taking away the pain.

Companioning is about honoring the spirit; it is not about focusing on the intellect.

Companioning is about listening with the heart; it is not about analyzing with the head.

Companioning is about bearing witness to the struggle of others; it is not about judging or directing these struggles.

Companioning is about walking alongside; it is not about leading or being led.

Companioning means discovering the gifts of sacred silence; it does not mean filling up every moment with words.

Companioning is about being still; it is not about frantic movement forward.

Companioning is about respecting disorder and confusion; it is not about imposing order and logic.

Companioning is about learning from others; it is not about teaching them.

Companioning is about compassionate curiosity; it is not about expertise.

• Dr. Alan D. Wolfelt’s tenets of companioning